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Player Reports and Ban Appeals

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Player Reports and Ban Appeals Empty Player Reports and Ban Appeals

Post by CreeperNight Mon Sep 01, 2014 3:45 pm

Feel you were banned unfairly? Did someone grief your house? This is the place to be.

Player Reports

To make a player report about a rulebreaker, please make a post in this forum using the following format.

Name of Offender (Leave blank if unknown):
Type of Offense (Griefing, Spamming, etc):
Evidence (Screenshot of spam, Coordinates and screenshots of grief, etc):

If you follow that format, and said player was indeed breaking the rules, they will be punished.

Ban Appeals

If you feel you were punished wrongly, make a post using this format to appeal your punishment. If the staff feel you are fit to be pardoned, they will remove the punishment. Please follow the following format.

In-Game Name:
Type of Offense:
Time of Punishment:
IGN of Banner:
Why we should unban you:

Just a few tips, for both player reports and ban appeals. If you try to sound more professional and mature by using correct grammar and capitalization, and not raging, you may have a better chance of acceptance.



Posts : 5
Join date : 2014-09-01
Age : 23
Location : Canada<3


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